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Rehabilitation Services
Our team of speech language pathologists evaluate and treat the following disorders in adults in the inpatient and outpatient settings:
Dysphagia is a swallowing disorder caused by various medical conditions. Assessments include clinical swallow evaluations and, if indicated, evaluation via Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES). We coordinate with Radiology to complete Video Fluoroscopic Swallow Studies (VFSS), also known as Modified Barium Swallow Studies (MBSS). In addition, we provide therapy to address dysphagia with strategies fitted best to each patient’s needs.
To schedule a Video Fluoroscopic Swallow Study please call Radiology Scheduling at 617-983-7020.
To schedule a Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) please call 617-983-4498.
We assess and treat voice disorders including hoarseness, muscle tension dysphonia, functional voice disorders, and paradoxical vocal fold movement. We do recommend an evaluation to be completed by an otolaryngologist prior to beginning to speech therapy to address voice disorders. Please call to ask any questions about when to start voice therapy.
There are a range of disorders that require speech and language therapy. Common diagnoses that require speech therapy include but are not limited to aphasia, dysarthria, apraxia, fluency disorders, and difficulty with speech and/or language after a traumatic brain injury or stroke. Assessment and treatment are completed based upon each patient's specific concerns.
We are able to assess and treat a range of cognitive communication deficits including but not limited to disorders of attention, memory, and executive functioning resulting from a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or post-concussion syndrome. Strategies are provided during assessment and treatment to best service each patient’s needs.
To schedule an outpatient evaluation please call 617-983-7271.
Offering comprehensive medical, surgical and psychiatric care as well as complete emergency, ambulatory and diagnostic services to residents of southwest Boston and the surrounding suburbs.